The Top 11 Best Free Games for Mac in 2024



best games for mac

Looking to play some free games on your Mac? Look no further – on this page, we’ll provide you with a curated selection of the best free games for Mac that you can enjoy on your Apple machine.

In the following list, we’ve tried to include free gaming titles that are supported for macOS, but there are also some entries that don’t have a native version. Don’t worry, though – any unsupported games you see here can still be played on your Mac with the help of various workaround solutions that you can learn more about on our site, by following the respective links.

We have a video that covers some of the best games for Mac playable for free that we’ve explored in this article, so be sure to check it out!

Table of Contents

    League of Legends

    I know League, you know League, everybody who has any remote interest in gaming has at least heard of it. It’s a MOBA (multiplayer battle arena) where two teams of five players control heroes with unique abilities and try to kill the other team’s base. That’s the gist of it, but is League really a game worth visiting on your Mac? It is, but with a big asterisk. 

    GameLeague of Legends
    macOS supportYes
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, macOS
    GenreMOBA (Multiplayer Online Arena)
    MultiplayerYES (this is an entirely multiplayer game)
    Modding supportNo
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well even on older and weaker Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community (League has one of the worst online gaming communities)
    Replay Value
    Is it truly free?The game is free-to-play, but there are cosmetic microtransactions.
    Is it Pay-To-Win?No

    League’s charm lies in its deceiving simplicity. It’s easy to pick up but you’ll need to master its roster of champions, which feels like learning the banjo – fun, until you realize how many strings are attached. Each hero adds a layer to the strategic mishmash and forces you to learn not just your own role but also how to counteract the enemy’s move. To put it bluntly, you need to be prepared to memorize (out of necessity) hundreds of unique skills and then only use the four that your favorite champion has.

    The good news about Mac users is that League is surprisingly lightweight and will run smoother than a greased weasel on virtually any Mac from the last decade. Riot Games keeps it well-tended, mostly bug-free, and as optimized as a Swiss watch. Too bad we cannot say the same about the gameplay balance. There are currently 168 champions but you’ll mostly see the same 20 easiest and most OP characters in each game.

    And then there’s the community. It’s like a pool where the water’s toxic enough to rival Chernobyl. It’s notorious for aggressive players whose mid-game meltdowns can torpedo a match faster than you can say surrender at 20. Most matches you’ll feel like your teammates are contributing more to you losing the match than the members of the opposing team. It’s a community where high competitiveness meets the patience and restraint of a toddler who’s just been denied a block of chocolate.

     Ultimately, it’s not a bad game from a technical and gameplay perspective. Just remember that, to get any fun out of it, you’ll need the calm of a Shaolin monk or a group of friends to team up with.

    Genshin Impact

    Genshin Impact is an action-adventure title where you galavant across a vivid, eye-popping world and swap between various anime-esque characters faster than a hyperactive cat on a hot tin roof. The game hooked us with its smorgasbord of artful vistas and diverse lineup of heroes, but we stayed for the combat – more engaging than a caffeine-fueled debate club. Let’s just say that Genshin ticks all the boxes for an enthralling RPG experience even if its critics would say it’s cheesy or derivative.

    genshin impact
    GameGenshin Impact
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now, CrossOver, Parallels, Bootcamp, PlayCover
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, iOS, Android, PS5, PS4
    GenreAction RPG
    MultiplayerYes (PvE Co-op)
    Modding supportNo (Mods can still be installed, but are against the game’s terms of use and can result in getting banned).
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well even on older and weaker Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Replay Value
    Is it truly free?The game is free-to-play, but there are cosmetic microtransactions.
    Is it Pay-To-Win?No (But you can speed up your progress via microtransactions)

    The game mechanics allow you to command a squad of four unique characters, and you can flip between them at any time, including mid-brawl. Character swapping during battles is actually the main gimmick of the combat system. You need to know your characters and swap to the right one for the particular enemy. The combat itself is in real-time, with hack-and-slash mechanics, so you really need to be quick, but that’s what makes it exciting. There’s also the usual RPG treadmill to power up your heroes – grind levels, buff equipment, and polish artifacts until they shine brighter than a sunbeam on a bald head.

    Though Genshin Impact romps through RPG clichés with a pronounced anime flair, its story is where it really shows its cheesiness. Let’s just say that it will often feel like you’re sifting through a teenager’s fan fiction rather than a polished epic. We like games with great stories and Genshin isn’t exactly one of them. However, we are willing to overlook this shortcoming, because all else here is top-tier and on top of that you can enjoy it for free. Genshin Impact – easy recommend from us.

    Path of Exile

    Path of Exile serves up a steaming slice of nostalgia pie with its old-school, top-down hack-and-slash shenanigans. Think Diablo 2 but with improved graphics and a vastly bigger selection of abilities and skills. It’s dark, brooding, and filled with secrets like a shadowy figure in a trench coat.

    Path of Exile
    GamePath of Exile
    macOS supportYes
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, macOS, PS4, Xbox One
    GenreAction RPG, Hack-and-Slash
    MultiplayerYes (PvE Co-op; PvP)
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well even on older and weaker Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Replay Value
    Is it truly free?The game is free-to-play, but there are microtransactions for cosmetics and additional (non-essential) features.
    Is it Pay-To-Win?No

    Just like in Diablo 2, you begin the game by choosing from six available character archetypes. Only six characters could feel restrictive for a modern gamer, but wait until you see the extensive customization that comes after. As you progress, you’ll have more tweaks and twists for your character than a soap opera has plot twists. 

    But Path of Exile takes its customization a step further than other RPGs. It lets you cobble together your own abilities to gain new effects. It’s both a brilliant stroke of genius and a terrible calamity because let’s face it, not every homemade concoction is going to save the day. Then again, that’s part of what’s fun about this game – the freedom to experiment… and occasionally soft-lock your progress because your cool new build sucks.

    The combat in this game is a glorious return to the click-fest days of yore. It’s simple yet satisfying, even if it can sometimes get as repetitive as a pop song chorus. But then again, the path to success here is to fine-tune your build rather than rely solely on twitch reflexes every time.

    The Path of Exile storyline may start as clichéd as a fairy tale, but its unexpected plot twists will hook you like a mystery thriller and urge you to mash buttons through yet another horde of baddies.

    If you like RPGs with a darker atmosphere, an old-school vibe and combat, and an encyclopedia of different abilities to learn and master, you’ve got to check this one out.

    Starcraft II

    Starcraft 2 came to be almost 15 years ago, in 2010, and to this day it remains Blizzard’s RTS (Real-Time Strategy) titan, clinging to popularity with the tenacity of a soap opera star clinging to youth. It owes much of its enduring clout to its role in the e-sports arena, where it flexes its competitive muscles in annual high-stakes tournaments that still draw crowds. But even if you are a casual gamer, there’s a lot to like (and love!) here and the fact that is free is honestly amazing.

    GameStarcraft 2
    macOS supportYes
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, macOS
    GenreRTS (Real-Time Strategy)
    Modding supportYes (plenty of fan-made maps and game mods)
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well even on older and weaker Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Replay Value
    Is it truly free?The game is free-to-play, but there’s additional content that can be purchased.
    Is it Pay-To-Win?No

    Diving into the mechanics, Starcraft 2 is your purest RTS formula. For those of you who haven’t played any real-time strategies, those are like MOBAs, but you orchestrate an entire army instead of a single hero unit. You gather resources, erect buildings, and swarm your foes’ bases in a glorious symphony of strategic chaos. 

    Multitasking is key here and so is the player’s ability to rapidly switch between micro and macro-management of their operation. It’s challenging, but spectacular at the same time. Starcraft 2 could be dubbed the Mount Everest of this list – daunting for newbies, particularly against battle-hardened human opponents. 

    Yet, it’s worth strapping on your climbing gear even if it’s for the solo campaigns alone. They tell epic stories of war, love, friendship, and betrayal. Yes, the story can be occasionally cheesy, but that’s something you can also say about the original Star Wars trilogy, yet it’s still one of the greatest movie trilogies of all time. Same thing with SC2 and its three campaigns.

    If you like RTS games and haven’t played Starcraft 2, you owe it to yourself to remedy this mistake. You won’t regret it, we promise!


    Fortnite might split opinions like a cheesecake at a Weight Watchers meeting, but it undeniably offers heaps of trigger-happy fun. Battle Royale, the game’s most recognized mode, tosses solo players or squads onto a large map that gradually shrinks and forces you closer to your opponents. It’s a delightful ‘last man standing’ dance that often plays like hide and see until it inescapably ends in a bullet ballet. Yes, the BR formula might have aged like milk, but Fortnite keeps it fresh with relentless updates and developer support.

    macOS supportNo (There used to be an official Fortnite for Mac version, but it’s no longer supported by Epic or available in the Apple App Store)
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now, Xbox Cloud Gaming, Bootcamp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox X and S Series, Android, Nintendo Switch
    GenreAction, 3d Person Shooter, Battle Royale
    Single-PlayerNo (There are game modes you can play alone, but there’s no offline mode available)
    Modding supportYes (There’s a vast amount of community-crafted game modes)
    Performance on Mac (The game runs acceptably even on older and weaker Intel Macs through Bootcamp)
    StoryN/A (earlier Fortnite seasons had a storyline and lore, but that is mostly irrelevant in the game’s current state).
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Replay Value
    Is it truly free?The game is free-to-play, but there are cosmetics microtransactions.
    Is it Pay-To-Win?No

    The updates in this game are actually one of its most impressive feats. The patching schedule is more regular than a Japanese train. The devs constantly roll out balance tweaks and add new content. They’ll regularly introduce cool new changes to the map mid-season, and even implement new game mechanics. Yes, yes, we know that not all changes are equally successful and some have actively made the game worse, but we still have to admire the effort and consistency. It’s hard to keep a 7-year-old game fresh without taking risks that don’t always pay off.

    Say what you want, Fortnite is still the biggest BR title, maybe even the biggest multiplayer game around. Despite its flaws, it is one of the more competent online titles. It’s good for what it is – Battle Royale with accessible mechanics that make it fun but also offer plenty of gameplay depth for the tryhards.

    DotA 2

    Valve’s DotA 2 strides into the MOBA arena with a bit less pomp and fanfare than League of Legends, yet it holds its head high with a touch of superiority. Think of it as League, but for intellectuals (read: tryhards), mainly because it’s considered LoL’s more brutal, no-nonsense cousin. It’s not as big as League but it still enjoys a revered spot on the MOBA family tree.

    GameDota 2
    macOS supportYes
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, macOS
    GenreMOBA (Multiplayer Online Arena)
    MultiplayerYes (this is an entirely multiplayer game)
    Modding supportYes (Only you will be able to see any visual mods installed in the game)
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well even on older and weaker Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Replay Value
    Is it truly free?The game is free-to-play, but there are cosmetic microtransactions.
    Is it Pay-To-Win?No

    Dota 2 is a notably tougher and less forgiving title – like a strict gym teacher compared to a lenient substitute (League) – but that’s what people like about it. The matches here are marathons, not sprints. The matches will often stretch beyond one hour and will test your patience with a grindier build-up in the early to mid phases. 

    Another gameplay trademark is how a single hero can become an unstoppable juggernaut who can plow through enemy lines with a steamroller’s grace. You’d think the same is true for League, but even the most ovefed, OP characters there will usually balk at taking on five foes solo. This might make it sound like Dota 2 is unbalanced, but that’s not the case. It just means that good team coordination, strategy, and execution play an even bigger role in the late game.

    One thing we like more in DotA 2 (compared to LoL) is its slightly less acidic community. Now don’t expect to make a lot of friends here – there’s still plenty of toxicity – but the playerbase seems to be a tad less infantile and unhinged. Ultimately, choosing between DotA 2 and League boils down to personal taste. Both are free, so dip your toes in each and see which battlefield feels like home.

    Counter-Strike 2

    Counter-Strike 2 is the sequel and direct replacement of CS:GO and it thankfully sticks to the basics: team-based terrorism vs. counter-terrorism, with tactical shootouts, tight gameplay, and plenty of headshots. Like before, you’ve got one job: obliterate the other team or nail the map’s objective, with the skillset of a ninja and the reflexes of a caffeinated squirrel.

    GameCounter-Strike 2
    macOS supportNo (There used to be Counter Strike for Mac support, but since the CS2 update the macOS version got discontinued)
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now, CrossOver
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows
    GenreAction, FPS
    MultiplayerYes (this is an entirely multiplayer game)
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (Runs only on high-end Macs through CrossOver and Bootcamp)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Replay Value
    Is it truly free?The game is free-to-play, but there are cosmetic microtransactions.
    Is it Pay-To-Win?No

    In CS2, all players start with nearly identical starting weapons, the same amount of in-game money, and a very similar catalog of weapons they can purchase. Unlike the currently more popular hero-shooter gaming genre, where different characters have different abilities and characteristics, there’s no such distinction in CS:2. Every player has the same amount of hit points, movement speed, and accuracy, and there are virtually no special abilities.

    If you are used to playing hero-shooters such as Apex Legends or Overwatch 2, this lack of variety in CS2 may seem a bit dull at first. However, it’s the simplicity that leads to a very tense and challenging gameplay that’s all about skill, reflexes, and tactical and strategic foresight. So even if CS2 could seem simplistic and lacking variety, this deceitful exterior hides a vast expanse of nuanced tactics and little tricks that make all the difference between victory and defeat.

    While there used to be a fully-functioning Counter-Strike Global Offensive Mac version, Valve dropped its macOS support with the release of CS2. That said, there are still options to play this game on an Apple machine. If you are interested in exploring them, be sure to click the link below.

    Apex Legends

    Drop into Apex Legends if you fancy your battle royales served with a side of teamwork and a sprinkling of unique character abilities. Respawn Entertainment tosses you into this shooter fray, where coordination with your teammates is required for survival, like a life jacket on a sinking ship. If Fortnite feels a bit too juvenile and simplistic for you, but you still enjoy the Battle Royale formula, Apex should be right up your alley.

    GameApex Legends
    macOS supportThere’s no naive Apex Legends Mac version.
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now, Bootcamp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox X and S Series, Android, Nintendo Switch
    GenreAction, FPS, Battle Royale
    Modding supportNo (Mods can still be installed, but are against the game’s terms of use and can result in getting banned).
    Performance on Mac (The game runs acceptably even on older and weaker Intel Macs through Bootcamp)
    StoryN/A (Apex Legends has a storyline and a deep lore, but neither is explored in the game itself)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Replay Value
    Is it truly free?The game is free-to-play, but there are cosmetics microtransactions.
    Is it Pay-To-Win?No

    The premise is Battle Royale 101: you parachute onto an island, rifle through garbage for weapons, and attempt to off everyone else for that sweet, sweet victory. But Apex separates itself from the herd with its squad-based antics and unique hero lineup. You choose from a roster of unique characters, where each one brings their own party trick to the bloodbath: anything from healing beams to tactical airstrikes.

    The controls are tighter than a miser’s purse strings and mastery over movement in this game is just as important as having a sharp aim. Then there are also the communication mechanics – a unique ping system lets you point out dangers or goodies without uttering a peep. This promotes and encourages teamwork and coordination, which are keys to winning in Apex. There’s, of course, a solo mode, but many of the game’s standout features are lost if you play on your own.

    Rocket League

    Rocket League takes the concept of soccer and injects it with a shot of adrenaline and motor oil. It swaps out human players for cars capable of enough aerial acrobatics to make a circus trapeze artist green with envy. The idea is very basic -just shove a giant football into the opposing team’s goal. The twist is that you do it with a rocked-powered car that can jump and boost across the pitch. Yes, it’s silly, but also superbly engaging.

    rocket league
    GameRocket League
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now, CrossOver, Parallels, Bootcamp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
    GenreSports, Soccer, Racing
    Modding supportYes (The game developers do not provide mod support, but third-party mods can still be installed without getting banned)
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well even on older and weaker Macs through CrossOver, Parallels, and Bootcamp)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Replay Value
    Is it truly free?The game is free-to-play, but there are cosmetics microtransactions.
    Is it Pay-To-Win?No

    The controls are super intuitive and the rules couldn’t be simpler. Yet this doesn’t make this game easy. You’ll still need to master the physics of your car and the ball before you are any good at scoring goals, not to mention the importance of coordinating with your two teammates.

    Rocket League is categorically a game you must play with other people. Online games are fast and fun and the matchmaking system mostly does a good job of balancing the scales. There’s also cross-platform play which means everyone can crash the party and you can play from your Mac with people on their PS consoles or Windows PCs. Here’s the time to mention that RL lacks native Mac support, but the methods to bypass work around this are many and have been explained in detail in our dedicated post about the game.

    Destiny 2

    Destiny 2 thrusts you into an online-only FPS world where you pick from one of three character cliques – Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans. You’re then free to dive into either PvE and enjoy a surprisingly competent campaign for an online game, or PvP, where you can bash heads in various modes (from team deathmatch to control point games).

    GameDestiny 2
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now, Bootcamp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S
    GenreFPS, Open World, Looter Shooter
    MultiplayerYes (PvE, PvP)
    Modding supportNo (Mods can still be installed, but are against the game’s terms of use and can result in getting banned).
    Performance on Mac (Runs only on high-end Intel Macs through Bootcamp)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Replay Value
    Is it truly free?The game is free-to-play, but there’s additional content and cosmetics that can be purchased.
    Is it Pay-To-Win?No

    We actually really like the PvE in Destiny 2. It’s like a group project where cooperation actually matters; you slowly and collectively beef up your characters to take down the big boss at the end of the semester. The real meat, however, is in the raids. Those are designer dungeons so cunningly crafted that they require the kind of teamwork usually reserved for bank heists.

    On the PvP side, you’ve got a playground for those who prefer their competition with fewer AI pleasantries and more human unpredictability. Teamwork is just as important here – individual skill and sharp aim are not enough as the balance is tilted toward teams that can actually work together.

    We like Destiny 2 – it has a lot to offer to different types of players and features tons of content that you can expend through paid DLCs if you want. It’s also a genuinely fun FPS game with satisfying gunplay and polished mechanics. Needless to say, we recommend it to anyone looking to get some shooting action.

    Team Fortress 2

    Team Fortress 2 is the grand old duke of class-based shooters, where teamwork isn’t just encouraged, it’s mandatory – think of it as the difference between a well-oiled machine and a heap of explosive parts waiting to malfunction. Even in its venerable age, TF2 boasts a player base that rivals the population of small countries, bustling with fans who know their class role better than their tax codes.

    GameTeam Fortress 2
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now, CrossOver, Parallels, Bootcamp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PS3, Xbox 360
    GenreFPS, Hero Shooter
    MultiplayerYes (This is an entirely online multiplayer game)
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (Runs well on even on weaker Intel Macs through Boot Camp; runs well only on high-end Apple Silicon Macs through CrossOver and Parallels)
    StoryN/A (There is a loose storyline and lore, but neither is explored in the game itself)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Replay Value
    Is it truly free?The game is free-to-play, but there are cosmetic microtransactions.
    Is it Pay-To-Win?No

    The charm of TF2 lies in its roster: a motley crew of distinct, larger-than-life characters ranging from the rocket-happy Soldier to the stealthy, back-stabbing Spy. Each class isn’t just a different skin but a whole new playstyle, making the battlefield as varied as a buffet table. No one character or tactic wipes the floor; it’s about as balanced as a seesaw with equal-sized kids.

    But it’s not all serious strategizing—TF2 oozes a cheeky, cartoonish humor and style that could make a Pixar character blush. The game doesn’t just embrace absurdity; it sets it for dinner. All this mirthful, balanced chaos ensures TF2 remains a staple in any ‘best free games’ roundup, proving that sometimes, the best things in gaming are free and as finely aged as a vintage wine.

    3 responses to “The Top 11 Best Free Games for Mac in 2024”
    1. ok Avatar

      some of these games are not mac compatible like Lost Ark

      1. Martina Nikolova Avatar
        Martina Nikolova

        You can use cloud gaming services to overcome such problems.

        1. what? Avatar

          Well you can play any game that way which defeats the whole point of this list.

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