Best Fantasy Games for Mac

Ever since I was a kid I wanted to own a longsword and cast fireballs at goblins. Today, my wife won’t let me buy that authentic medieval Zweihänder from Amazon and the only spell I know is a vanishing spell that I can only cast on my paychecks. 

Thankfully, fantasy in the digital realm of gaming comes a lot closer to (and often goes beyond) my childhood dreams. Games are the perfect medium for fantasy and there are so many great titles in this genre that you can experience pretty much any scenario you’ve imagined as a kid. Want to be a brave and bold orc-slaying knight or a cunning rogue, or maybe a brave and bold knight-slaying orc? You’ll surely find what you want and more within the titles included in this category.

Latest Fantasy Games

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Page Contents

    The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

    The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

    The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings plonks you into the grimy boots of a growly-voiced, white-haired monster hunter called Geralt of Rivia. Geralt isn’t exactly your generic selfless RPG protagonist and he’s not about to quest for ancient artifacts or have a scrap with unnameable horrors from Slavic mythology unless there’s coin (or cleavage) at stake. It’s this gritty, morally ambiguous world that sets this game apart from your ho-hum fantasy fare.

    But what about the gameplay? The real-time combat in The Witcher 2 is a lot of fun – you must juggle swordplay, dodging, and hurling magic spells faster than a drunk trying to catch a greased pig. It’s challenging and requires more thought than just mashing buttons – you actually need to learn when it’s time to attack and when you should back off and let the monster hit air for a couple of seconds. It’s a very satisfying combat system once you get the hang of it.

    GameThe Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
    macOS supportYes
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, macOS X, Linux, Xbox 360, Xbox One/Series X/S
    GenreFantasy, RPG, Story Rich, Adventure
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well on all Apple Silicon Macs and on mid and high-range Intel Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    But it’s not only battles – you’ll also be solving mysteries that make Sherlock scratch his head or brokering alliances like a medieval Kissinger. The Witcher 2 simply has a lot to offer on the proactive “play” side of the experience, so you’ll never get bored during your playthroughs.

    And then there’s also the story – it’s like a thick, juicy steak of political intrigue and dark fantasy. The cherry on top is that your choices actually matter and carry weight. They affect the narrative and the world of the game as well as the relationships of Geralt with other characters. The multiple paths the story can follow means that subsequent playthroughs can still be as interesting as the first, if not more.

    The Witcher 2 hooks you with great gameplay and then tosses you deep into an exceptionally well-crafted world where every action is significant and you’ll want to go back to this game again and again to see what other paths you could have taken.

    Dark Souls III

    Dark Souls III

    Dark Souls III is the cheerfully bleak finale of the Souls series and just like its predecessors, it sets itself apart with a trademark: pain. This game will only hold your hand to chop it off and beat you with the soggy end. The gameplay is an arduous trek through a decaying world and every corner promises new ways to die. 

    The unforgiving combat system demands precision and patience. The main combat mechanic to defeat your enemies is your ability to learn from countless gruesome deaths. You’ll swing swords, perform dodge rolls, and cast spells until you get stun-locked from a single hit, eviscerated, and forced to start all over again. The enemies you meet will be anything from minions to colossal bosses and even the lowliest of mobs can be a major obstacle if you dare to underestimate them.

    GameDark Souls III
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, Crossover, Parallels, Boot Camp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
    GenreFantasy, Dark Fantasy, RPG, Difficult, Souls-like
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (local workaround methods) (The game runs well on all Apple Silicon Macs and on mid and high-range Intel Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    The Dark Souls III world is like a sprawling nightmare made of broken dreams. The only way to get a grip of its story is to piece cryptic bits of lore together like a jigsaw puzzle.

    A fair warning if you want to try this game – it’s not for everyone and you’ll spend lots of time failing and trying again until you finally get it… until the next type of enemy arrives and it feels like you are back at square one. The good news is that it’s worth the struggle because the story, the atmosphere, the world, even the enemies, are masterclass and the difficulty is simply part of the experience.

    Diablo 3

    Diablo 3

    Diablo 3 revives the click-fest RPG genre with its loot-drenched, demon-slaying extravaganza. The main objective is to destroy hordes of hell’s minions before they politely destroy you – if you’ve played the previous Diablo games, this shouldn’t be a surprise. 

    The game’s hook is in its satisfying loop that goes click, kill, loot, and repeat. The trademark range of classes enhances the experience – you’ve got your wizardry explosions, barbarian brawn, stoic monks, etc. If you’ve never played any Diablo game before, this one’s a good place to start.

    GameDiablo 3
    macOS supportYes
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, Mac OS X, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
    GenreFantasy, ARPG
    Modding supportYes (Very few)
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well even on older and weaker Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    The game takes place in the deliciously dark, gothic world of Sanctuary. The story is about your quest to stop the Prime Evils – a bunch of overpowered demons from hell. Every quest you’ve got to complete on your way to defeat the main bad guys is a mini-epic – the stakes always feel high and the moody visuals and art style of the game enhance that sense.

    Uniquely, Diablo 3’s ever-shifting difficulty mechanics and endless loot combinations promise countless hours of gameplay, making each session feel as fresh as a newly spawned demon.

    Dragon Age Origins

    Dragon Age Origins

    Dragon Age: Origins sets itself apart from other titles in the Fantasy RPG genre with its deep RPG customization. The player is granted the freedom to customize everything about your character. You choose their appearance, backstory, even their conversational style. The coolest part about this is that what you pick at the character creation screen will influence the game’s plot. 

    The combat in Origins is a mix of turn-based and real-time mechanics. The battles are happening in real-time, but you have the pause option to give yourself time to think through your next moves. Outside battle, there’s the intricate social maneuvering part of the gameplay where you must carefully consider your interactions with the various NPCs if you want to progress through the game.

    GameDragon Age Origins
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacXbox Cloud, Parallels, Boot Camp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360/Series X/S
    GenreFantasy, RPG, Story Rich, Choices matter
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (local workaround methods) (The game runs well even on older and weaker Macs)
    GameplayFantasy, RPG, Story Rich, Choices Matter
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    The world of Dragon Age: Origins is one on the brink of chaos. Your end goal is to unite its fractured factions and together confront a demonic invasion. Every decision echoes through the narrative so the overarching story becomes intensely personal. A big part of the game’s strength is in its complex characters and morally gray choices, so you’ll always have to stop and think before taking the next step.

    Dragon Age: Origins isn’t just about battling monsters but also about wrestling with the moral complexities of leadership in a beautifully brutal world. Personally I rank it among the best fantasy games for mac – it will run good and it aged relatively well, working with your imagination more than the graphics.

    Nier Automata

    Nier Automata

    Nier: Automata hacks and slashes its way through the existential ennui with a balletic blend of action and story that turns the typical Fantasy RPG on its head. The game juggles multiple gameplay styles that you won’t see together in very many other titles. It goes from a side-scrolling platformer to a top-down shooter but this combination never feels out of place. 

    You play this game as a combat android named 2B in a post-apocalyptic world, where you battle against seemingly endless hordes of machines. The combat system is a slick, stylish dance of death that involves heavy and light attacks and dodges, and there’s also a floating robot pal who shoots your enemies while you carve them up with swords.

    GameNier Automata
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, Crossover, Parallels, Boot Camp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
    GenreFantasy, Hack-and-Slash, Story Rich
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (local workaround methods) (The game runs well on higher-end Macs. It can also run on older and weaker ones, but only if you use the lowest settings)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    The world of Nier is a hauntingly beautiful desolate version of Earth that was abandoned by humans. It’s now populated by robots that mimic human society but in tragically flawed ways. The game tackles themes of consciousness, existence, and the meaning of life and it encourages multiple playthroughs to fully explore what it has to say. Each time you replay the game you peel back layers of this philosophical onion and reveal new twists and additional gameplay elements.

    Nier: Automata is a genre-defying exploration of what it means to be alive in a world of programmed beings. It does everything it sets out to do from a philosophical perspective, while also rewarding the player with top-tier gameplay.

    Shadowrun Returns

    Shadowrun Returns

    Shadowrun Returns drags you into a cyberpunk-meets-fantasy universe so expect elves that hack computers and trolls who cast spells. This game meshes a tech-savvy dystopian future with mystical elements and does so seamlessly within its turn-based strategy framework. 

    The gameplay is about leading a team of misfits through grid-based combat scenarios, so you’ve got a mix of classic RPG elements and tactical decision-making. Think chess, but the rooks can summon spirits and the knights shoot assault rifles.

    GameShadowrun Returns
    macOS supportYes (Steam Client will no longer support 32-bit games or macOS 10.14 or lower)
    Alternative methods to play on MacGeForce Now, Xbox Cloud
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, macOS X, Linux, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One/Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android
    GenreFantasy, RPG, Cyberpunk, Turn-based, Isometric, Sci-fi
    Modding supportYes (Some mods)
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well even on older and weaker Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    You’ll interact with all kinds of characters in this neon-lit world. Pick your dialogue choices with care because they’ll influence your path and uncover layers of plot that deal with corporate espionage, ancient myths, and street-level crime. The game’s unique blend of magic and technology works in two ways: it provides a diverse catalog of tactical options and it paints a unique and rich setting for its story. Each mission pushes you to strategically balance your team’s abilities against varied enemies, making every encounter a dynamic puzzle.

    Shadowrun Returns shows us a refreshing take that combines sci-fi and fantasy into a top-tier story. It even wraps everything up in polished strategic gameplay, so we have no other choice but to recommend it as one of the best fantasy games for mac.

    Disco Elysium

    Disco Elysium

    Disco Elysium is a pretty unique and unusual game even by RPG standards. It takes a cerebral plunge into the mind of a detective with a scrambled egg for a brain that you’ll somehow unscramble throughout the narrative.

    You’ll spend part of the gameplay exploring thoughts more tangled than last year’s Christmas lights and another part engaging in Disco Elysium’s version of combat. In lieu of traditional combat encounters, the game goes for a dialogue-heavy approach. The “battles” are fought within the landscape of conversation and also in the protagonist’s psyche. This means that interactions aren’t simply talks but mental and emotional chess games. And in those games, you’ll rely on a complex system of mental skills and thoughts that influence outcomes.

    GameDisco Elysium
    macOS supportYes
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, macOS, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One/Series X/S, Nintendo Switch
    GenreFantasy, RPG, Story Rich, Detective, Choices Matter
    Modding supportYes (Some mods)
    Performance on Mac (The game runs great even on older and weaker Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    The game is set in a city called Revachol that oozes with history and decay. You are a detective so, naturally, a big chunk of the narrative revolves around a murder mystery that you must piece together, but this time you must also do the same with the shattered memories of the main character. 

    Your character’s development is intertwined with the narrative and it’s driven by internal debates across 24 unique skills. Those skills govern social interactions and personal reflections and so they make every decision feel impactful.

    Disco Elysium is a one-of-a-type game thanks to the inventive way it makes intricate psychology play integral to solving its core mystery, all without throwing a single punch.

    Final Fantasy XIV

    Final Fantasy XIV

    It’s interesting how Final Fantasy XIV had a disastrous initial release yet somehow became a fan-beloved spectacle. This Fantasy MMO has, over time, earned a “Very Positive” total rating on Steam with almost 90% positive reviews, which is not something you see every day with a game that started as badly as this one did. If you are into MMOs but are tired of WoW (or simply don’t like it), you should give this one a try.

    FF XIV thrives on rich narrative depth and expansive world-building. At the start of the game, you choose from a roster of races that look like the aftermath of a fairy convention crash-landing into a medieval reenactment. Then you pick a class – sword-swinging, spell-casting, or even cooking – and evolve into an array of specialized jobs.

    GameFinal Fantasy XIV
    macOS supportYes
    Alternative methods to play on MacCrossover
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, macOS, PlayStation 3/4/5, Xbox Series X/S
    GenreFantasy, MMORPG
    Single-PlayerYes (Thanks to the Trust System)
    Modding supportYes (Plenty)
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well on higher-end Macs. It can also run on older and weaker ones, but only if you use the lowest settings.)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    Gameplay-wise, you’re looking at a buffet of quests, monster hunts, and dungeons that are as challenging as assembling IKEA furniture with chopsticks. In any case, the quests are worth completing because you’ll want to see what’s next in the narrative, especially if you get some of the expansions that greatly enhance the main storyline. 

    Final Fantasy XIV today is one of the better-developed and realized MMOs and we recommend it if you are looking for a longer type of gaming experience that you can engage with for hundreds of hours and still have plenty of content left to explore.

    Monster Hunter World

    Monster Hunter World

    Monster Hunter World plays like an elaborate dance of dodging death and slicing tails, where every creature is a puzzle outfitted with claws and fangs. This game ditches levels and classes for a gear-driven progression system which is an interesting decision that, in our opinion, works great here. And what’s even cooler is that you carve armor and weapons from the very beasts you defeat. 

    You play the game as the latest recruit in a band of hunters who explore a new continent that’s filled with ancient secrets and ecological mysteries. You begin by picking a weapon type. You can go for nimble dual blades or a hulking greatsword and anything in-between. Each weapon type dictates your combat style and how you approach fight encounters.

    GameMonster Hunter World
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now, Crossover, Parallels, Boot Camp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
    GenreFantasy, MMORPG
    MultiplayerYes (Online Co-op)
    Modding supportYes (Plenty)
    Performance on Mac (local workaround methods) (The game runs well on higher-end Macs. It can also run on older and weaker ones, but only if you use the lowest settings)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    The game thrusts you into vibrant living ecosystems where monsters roam, fight, and even eat each other independently of your meddling. Your job is to track these colossal creatures, study their habits, and exploit their weaknesses. The gameplay serves up an intense mix of tactics, patience, and skill in combat which is almost perfectly balanced.

    Lord of the Rings Online

    Lord of the Rings Online

    Lord of the Rings Online offers a jaunt through Tolkien’s Middle-earth, where the biggest risk is not orc blades but the potent danger of becoming a virtual tour guide, obsessed with lore-crammed placards. I am a hardcore LotR fan so what I love most about this Fantasy MMORPG is that it doesn’t repurpose generic fantasy themes, but digs its roots deep into the rich, narrative-heavy soil of its source material. 

    When starting the game, you choose from one of Tolkien’s races, then pick your preferred class, and embark on quests that feel like they’re straight from the appendices of the “Red Book of Westmarch” (it’s a LotR nerd reference).

    GameLord of the Rings Online
    macOS supportNo (The macOS client is no longer supported)
    Alternative methods to play on MacCrossover, Parallels, Boot Camp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows
    GenreFantasy, MMORPG, Adventure
    Modding supportYes (Very few)
    Performance on Mac (local workaround methods) (The game runs well on higher-end Macs. It can also run on older and weaker ones, but only if you use the lowest settings)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio (It is free to play with some microtransactions)

    The gameplay offers both solo and co-op missions, where you’ll spend as much time battling Sauron’s forces as you will mastering crafts like cooking and blacksmithing. The multiplayer side of this game shines brightest during massive, server-wide events and raids that genuinely require a faithful fellowship – think less “solo hero” and more “epic group term paper.”

    LOTRO turns Middle-earth into a sprawling MMO stage, with each player a lead in their own adventure yet a co-star in the broader epic that faithfully adheres to Tolkien’s works (and thankfully so).

    Notable Mentions

    Each of our lists end with these. Our lists are curated carefully and once we propose the games, we only list on top the ones that got the most votes. But there are others which received out attention. They didn’t make the cut, but these are good games and we don’t fell well if we don’t mention them.

    If you already researched some of these you may find it odd that things like Elden Ring didn’t make the cut, but stuff like Shadowrun Returns did. You need to take under consideration that we weigh each title not as “is this a good game that is in the fantasy genre”. Rather we value the placements as 50% the critical and commercial merit of the game, so basically how famous an impactful it is, and 50% how much it pushed the fantasy in the fantasy genre. As in, we value a lot not just that it is a good game, but that it is works well as a fantasy game. Otherwise all our lists will be dominated with the same games over and over again.