Meet the Team

Stefan Sadakov – Editorial Director and Secondary Writer

Stefan’s main role in the MacReserach team is to define the focus of our content and oversee its quality. He is responsible for steering our team in a direction that aligns with both our strategy and our principles. Stefan ensures that our guides, reviews, news articles, and other content maintain high quality and provide the user with information that’s both helpful and interesting.

In addition, Stefan’s experience as a long-time gamer and his enthusiasm for the latest hardware greatly helps us in our testing with different games. Thanks to his extensive gaming knowledge across many different genres, he is also able to provide invaluable insights for our game reviews.

Finally, Stefan occasionally takes the role of a secondary writer for our more game-focused content, where he gets to flourish his skill as a writer.

George Slavov – Researcher and Tester

George is our team’s main researcher. His task is to dig deep and find the information we need for our tests and content creation. Gaming has been his passion since his early childhood and to this day he continues to be an avid gamer. 

He likes all kinds of games but has a soft spot for co-op titles. When playing together with his friends, he’s always the first one to figure out a way to beat a particularly difficult level or find an elusive rare item.

Additionally, George has a keen interest in all things technology, especially when pertaining to advances in the gaming industry. His secret wish: that we one day get the tech for a virtual gaming reality just like in the Ready Player One movie.

George’s longtime experience as a gamer, enthusiasm about the technology of tomorrow, and skills as a researcher allow our team to provide you with detailed, accurate, and helpful information in our content. He also regularly tests many of the games we write about, so we can give you detailed information about their performance on different Macs and through different methods.

Boris Tashev – Content Creator and Tester

Boris is the main content writer for MacResearch. He has liked gaming since he can remember and he loves creating content about his favorite gaming titles. 

As a part of the MacResearch team, his main job is to write high-quality content for our readers, drawing from George’s invaluable research insights and from his own personal experience with gaming and Mac products. 

Boris has extensive experience with gaming on both Windows PCs and Macs. Because of this, he is well-acquainted with the differences between the two platforms and the challenges that Mac gamers face. This allows him to tailor his content towards Mac users who want to play games and make it as accessible and as straightforward as possible.

Outside of writing most of the content on MacResearch, Boris is also actively involved with the creation and editing of our YouTube videos. Last but not least, he also does some of our testing with various games on Mac.