Best Role Playing Games for Mac

RPGs (role-playing games) are basically escapism with experience points, the bread and butter of anyone who prefers their social interactions scripted and their conflicts resolved with a broadsword swing or a fireball. They’re your golden ticket to slapping on the boots of a make-believe protagonist and wrestling with their convoluted backstories and moral dilemmas. Also, every now and then, you may be tasked with bailing out a world teetering on the brink of apocalypse. 

RPGs invite you to dive into realms of fantasy and far-flung future dystopias where you get to unravel deep-seated lore and rub elbows with fantastical but believable characters. The selection of role-playing games for Mac we’ve lined up promises to haul you into their worldk, whether you’re itching for mystical landscapes or far-away galaxies. So, arm yourself with a mouse or trackpad, and dive into our top picks—if you’re ready for a substantial dose of unreal adventure, that is.

Latest Role Playing Games

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Page Contents

    Baldur’s Gate 3

    Baldur's Gate 3

    Baldur’s Gate 3 is a full-throttle dive into Dungeons and Dragons D&D 5th Edition mechanics, where high-stakes decision-making and rich storytelling meet. Its gameplay jolts you into complex but intuitive combat. It rewards strategic thinking and punishes the unprepared with a swift boot to the rear.

    A notable difference between BG 3 and its predecessors is how its deep character customization impacts not just your stats but your narrative arc too! The game will weave your personal choices at the character-creation into the main quest like a skilled bard spinning a yarn.

    GameBaldur’s Gate 3
    macOS supportYes
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, macOS, Xbox X/S, PS5
    GenreRPG, Adventure
    MultiplayerYes (Online Co-op)
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well on all Apple Silicon Macs and on mid and high-range Intel Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    We always say that gameplay and story are more important than graphics, but we do like fancy visuals and BG3 has those in spades. From the grotesque Underdark to the streets of Baldur’s Gate, each environment is rendered with obsessive detail. And we can say the same about the characters – in BG3 even random NPCs will look and feel like they are a living part of this world.

    But to us, the game shines the brightest with its narrative. The storytelling stands out for its compelling character development both of the protagonist and the side characters. Instead of playing as #generic_adventurer_43, you’re a complex persona that reacts to a world teetering on the brink of chaos. 

    So definitely go play Baldur’s Gate 3 if you like fantasy and RPG. It brings together classic tabletop authenticity and modern digital flair, and pairs them with masterful storytelling – what’s more to want? Editor’s pick: if you put a gun to my head and make me choose one game to call among the top role playing games for mac, this is going to be the one.

    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is seen by many as the gold standard of Action RPGs. The game abandons the typical fetch-quest fluffery you’ll see in other RPGs and treats your choices like actual crossroads. This makes the world of Wild Hunt feel like a real place which is, in our opinion, one of this game’s biggest strengths.

    No matter what choice you make in this The Witcher, its consequences will be felt, some immediately, others later into the game. Here, every grubby peasant and wind-swept grove tells a story that you’ll want to hear. This game masterfully blurs the line between main quests and side distractions and thus it makes every bit of lore and story feel meaningful.

    GameThe Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now, Parallels, Crossover, Boot Camp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One/Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch
    GenreRPG, Adventure, Story Rich, Open World
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (local workaround methods) (The game runs well on all Apple Silicon Macs and on mid and high-range Intel Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    The combat in Wild Hunt rides that thin line between accessibility and challenge. It’s not your button-mashing fest but an elegant dance of dodges, parries, and attacks – it feels intuitive and is not very hard to get into it, but it also never feels too forgiving or easy.

    The game’s world is as vast as an ocean and detailed like a miniature painting. It invites you to explore it and rewards the curious with more than just loot. The biggest reward from exploration is the rich stories that actually make you care, which is a rarity in today’s RPG market. Geralt’s monster-hunting antics prove that with enough polish, even fetch quests can sparkle.

    The Witcher 3 somehow puts into one place all the best aspects of its respective genre and polishes it to perfection. Of course, if you are nitpicky, you’ll find some minor flaws, but to us, this is the perfect action RPG game, and certainly deserves to be called among the top role playing games for mac.

    Dragon Age: Inquisition

    Dragon Age: Inquisition

    Dragon Age: Inquisition is a playground for those who fancy a bit of sword-and-sorcery but it’s also a fully-fledged ecosystem. Your choices and actions will ripple through the game’s world and change it in unpredictable but logical ways.  It sits among the most underrated RPG games for mac, because of its advanced age. You would be surprised to find out it was game of the year back in 2014. 

    Inquisition uniquely blends traditional RPG elements with a grand strategy overlay so you aren’t only hacking at baddies but also navigating political landscapes. The latter is done through the game’s “War Table” which is a tactical interface where decisions impact both story and gameplay directly.

    GameDragon Age: Inquisition
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacGeForce Now, Xbox Cloud, Boot Camp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PlayStation 3/4, Xbox 360, Xbox One.
    GenreRPG, Open World, Adventure
    MultiplayerYes (Online Co-op)
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (local workaround methods) (The game runs well on all Apple Silicon Macs and on mid and high-range Intel Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    Another gameplay highlight is the deeply customizable party system. You can (and should!) synergize abilities and tactics across a diverse characters cast. This is because the skirmishes won’t be solved through button-mashing; instead, you’ll need to pause the action to coordinate party members’ moves effectively. The combat system is basically a hybrid between real-time action and turn-based tactics.

    The hybrid gameplay in Dragon Age: Inquisition makes it a fantasy epic for the thoughtful armchair general and not just the sword-swinging berserker. Get ready to rule, fight, and occasionally do a bit of actual dragon inquisitioning.

    Elden Ring 

    Elden Ring, FromSoftware’s magnum opus, eschews the often linear paths of its predecessors and simultaneously perfects the Soulsborne formula. The game is set in the Lands Between, which sprawl out like a playground of misty vistas and crumbling ruins. A mix of environmental storytelling and scant direct narrative exposition to encourage you to explore, but tread carefully because you won’t be ready for what’s behind that corner (we learned that the hard way). The game’s story unfolds like a cryptic puzzle that you have to piece together through fragmented lore, dropped casually by melancholic NPCs and aged, yellowing scrolls.

    GameElden Ring 
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, Boot Camp, Crossover and Parallels (runs, but can’t play Multiplayer, because of Easy Anti-Cheat Software)
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One/Series X/S
    GenreRPG, Open World, Souls-like, Dark Fantasy
    MultiplayerYes (Unlocks Multiplayer when playing the game:
    Elden Ring co-op multiplayer unlocks upon completion of the tutorial, leaving the Stranded Graveyard into the grassy realm of Limgrave. Make sure you collect that Small Golden Effigy too)
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well on all Apple Silicon Macs and on mid and high-range Intel Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    The combat system is at the heart of this game and it marries finesse with brutality. Weapons swing with tangible weight that you must learn to control and predict. The battles demand strategic thinking and knowledge of the enemies’ patterns – brute force won’t do here. And this is when we are talking about regular NPC skirmishes. Then you also have the Boss encounters – from celestial demigods to grotesque beasts – they don’t pull punches, so you better get used to the pain.

    But the pain is worth if you can climb the steep learning curve, because that’s when Elden Ring starts to really get interesting. Unlike its genre-mates, the side quests aren’t just filler but as rich and intricate as the main thread. They are filled with tales that could star in their sagas, so you never feel like the game is wasting your time.

    We won’t lie to you, Elden Ring isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but if you are one of those select few with the masochism and stubbornness needed to overcome its obstacles, this could be one of the best gaming experiences you’ve had.

    EVE Online 

    EVE Online 

    “EVE Online” isn’t just your run-of-the-mill space MMO but a bustling, cutthroat cosmos, where players dictate the economics, politics, and warfare, thus shaping its hugr sci-fi world. Unlike its more guided competitors, EVE throws you into an expansive galaxy where almost everything – from ships and stations to deadly lasers – is crafted by the players who are locked in an eternal scramble for resources and territory. 

    The setting of EVE is a vast galaxy with literally thousands of star systems. Its virtual world is times bigger than anything you’ve ever seen in other MMORPGs.

    GameEVE Online 
    macOS supportYes
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, Boot Camp, Crossover and Parallels (runs, but can’t play Multiplayer, because of Easy Anti-Cheat Software)
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One/Series X/S
    GenreMMORPG, Free to Play, Open World, Scy-fi
    Modding supportNo
    Performance on Mac (The game runs great even on older and weaker Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio (Free-to-play with in-game purchases)

    The gameplay in EVE encourages player freedom and agency – you are free to make your own way in this vast galaxy through trading, crafting, transporting, or fighting. EVE also provides plentiful customization opportunities that let you intricately fit your spacecraft with myriad components that will fit your particular needs and your chosen profession. The game prizes knowledge and cunning but above all it prizes one’s ability to attach themselves to a powerful organization, because the “lone wolf” strategy won’t cut it here. 

    Being a part of a team also makes battles that more exciting. High-stakes combat encounters can involve thousands of players that you won’t get in any other space-themed MMO.

    But be warned, to play EVE, you can’t expect to log in every now and then for a quick 20-min sesh. The game demands your time and focus, so you either commit to it or move on to a more casual type of RPG.

    Genshin Impact

    Genshin Impact

    Genshin Impact differentiates itself within the sprawling genre of action RPGs with a robust elemental combat system and a free-roaming world that could easily shame more stationary, menu-driven adventures.

    Genshin’с blend of open-world exploration and real-time combat allows for seamless transitions between climbing a mountain ор solving ancient puzzles and then suddenly diving sword-first into a horde of enemies, all without skipping a beat. The kinetic gameplay wants you to strategically swap between your four characters mid-battle. The trick is to exploit the elemental of the varied enemy types by attacking them with a specific character and skill. It’s a lot like a dance that grows increasingly complex but also increasingly satisfying.

    GameGenshin Impact
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now, Crossover, Boot Camp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PlayStation 4/5, Android, iOS,
    GenreMMORPG, Free to Play, Open World, Scy-fi
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (local workaround methods) (The game runs great even on older and weaker Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio (Free-to-play with in-game purchases.)

    Another highlight is the setting. You can feel the mythology and culture of this fantastical world that somehow feels real. It’s not just a backdrop for the action but an immersive atmosphere that asks you to explore it. Each region has distinct aesthetics and fitting soundscapes which enrich the experience beyond the fighting and leveling-up.

    Genshin Impact is a colorful adventure with solid combat and with an atmosphere that wants you to lose yourself in the game. Best of all, it’s a free game, so there’s really no excuse not to try it if you are an action RPG fan.

    Hogwarts Legacy

    Hogwarts Legacy

    Hogwarts Legacy distinguishes in the realm of RPGs by bringing you to an authentically recreated Hogwarts, long before the boy who lived could toddle. Its open-world design is a Potter-head’s dream come true as it allows for unprecedented exploration of the magical school and its environs. 

    The best part about the setting is that it’s familiar – like you remember it from the movies and books – but it’s also refreshingly untethered to the canonical narratives of the books.

    The gameplay weaves together spell-casting mechanics with environmental puzzles and it always makes sure to leverage the wizarding world’s charm in every flick and swish.

    GameHogwarts Legacy
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, Crossover, Boot Camp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One/Series X/S, Nintendo Switch
    GenreRPG, Open World, Magic, Fantasy
    Modding supportNo
    Performance on Mac (local workaround methods) (The game runs well on higher-end Macs. It can also run on older and weaker ones, but only if you use the lowest settings)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    The combat system is, in our opinion, exactly how you’d imagine fighting in the Potterverse. The combat has a duel-like structure with an emphasis on strategic spell combinations over brute force. A lot of the quests are tied to learning new spells and uncovering Hogwarts’ hidden rooms (there are many of those) and secrets. Thus, your progression will feel deeply integrated into the larger world so gameplay, narrative, and lore never feel disconnected. 

    The story is independent and doesn’t retread previous Harry Potter media, but it still captures the essence of J.K. Rowling’s universe. We still get the dark forests, mystical creatures, and moral choices that influence your character’s development and the school’s allegiance.

    Hogwarts Legacy is what all games inspired by books or movies should strive to be. Even if you’ve never seen or read Harry Potter, you’ll still enjoy what Legacy brings to the table, and if you are a HP fan, then you’ll love this title.

    Stardew Valley

    Stardew Valley

    Stardew Valley isn’t merely a farming simulator but an intricate dance of crop rotation and dungeon crawling wrapped in a quaint pixel-art package. 

    Going into this game, don’t expect your average “till and plant” fare. The game mixes things up by injecting a generous dose of RPG elements into its gameplay. You’ll meet and get to know a vibrant community of characters with their own backstories and personalities. 

    GameStardew Valley
    macOS supportYes
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now, Xbox Cloud
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation Vita, iOS, Android
    GenreRPG, Farming Sim, Pixel Graphics
    MultiplayerYes (Online/LAN/Shared/Split Screen Co-op)
    Modding supportYes
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well on higher-end Macs. It can also run on older and weaker ones, but only if you use the lowest settings)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    The gameplay hinges on not just agricultural prowess but it also demands you manage energy levels and optimize seasonal crops. You’ll also need to upgrade your tools but thankfully the crafting system feels rewarding rather than punitive.

    Stardew Valley is great as a solo experience, but there’s also multiplayer for some cooperative agricultural action. The multiplayer brings a communal harvest to the table and lets up to four players to farm, mine, and even marry their characters. The result is a rare RPG-infused experience you won’t see in any other games in the farming simulation genre. It’s cooperative play at its most organic; teamwork truly makes the dream work. It enables faster progress and larger operations that let you build your dream farm and see it thrive. 

    Obviously, if you are looking for dragons, swords, and the experience of playing as an all-powerful wizard or a cunning rogue, scroll to another game. Stardew Valley is a different type of experience, but what it sets out to do, it does it perfectly, hence its place on our list of the best RPGs you can play on Mac.

    World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft is less a game and more a lifestyle for the fantasy-inclined. This mammoth among MMORPGs somehow keeps its throne by sheer content and community volume alone despite being older than most of today’s gamers. 

    But what WoW it apart? Basically, think of it as the Disneyland of the genre – it’s huge and has everything yo can expect from an MMORPG. The game’s meticulously curated zones are chock-full of quests, bosses, and lore deeper than a philosophy major’s thesis. 

    The gameplay in WoW hooks you with its rich progression system that evolves. Whether you realize it or not, you’ll be constantly chasing that next piece of epic loot or a prestigious achievement, and you are gonna love it.

    GameWorld of Warcraft
    macOS supportYes
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows, macOS
    GenreMMORPG, Adventure, Open World, Fantasy
    Modding supportYes (Supports UI addons and modifications)
    Performance on Mac (The game runs well even on older and weaker Macs)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio

    The game’s beating heart is its multiplayer that thrives on a robust guild system. After all, you’ll need allies to take on the various dungeons, where teamwork and strategy – not just button-mashing – will get you through them alive. These dungeon raids are complex strategy and tactics puzzles in the guise of gargantuan bosses. Coordination akin to herding caffeinated cats must be applied to emerge victorious in those encounters. 

    And finally, there are the PvP arenas and battlegrounds – places where you get to prove you are better than everybody else (or to simply show off your cool new gear). These arenas are a chaotic test of skill and strategy, and sometimes, your patience, to boot. 

    No one in our crew ever got involved with WoW too much, but we do appreciate what it has done for the genre. And even if the newer expansion gets a lot of flak for various reasons, the core of this game is as solid as ever, so it’s never too late to join in on the fun.

    Lost Ark

    Lost Ark

    Lost Ark is what happens when you merge a Diablo-esque hack-and-slash combat system with the depth of MMO mechanics and set it a vivid world that’s a feast for the senses. The highlight here is the combat, which we can briefly describe as stepping into the shoes of an anime protagonist after they’ve completed their character arc.

    The combat in Lost Ark offers a broad array of classes each with distinct play styles that range from nimbly darting assassins to earth-shattering warriors. These classes aren’t just skins with different stats; each brings a unique approach to the battlefield and demands you change the way you approach fighting encounters.

    GameLost Ark
    macOS supportNo
    Alternative methods to play on MacBoosteroid, GeForce Now, Boot Camp
    Platforms and operational systemsWindows
    GenreMMOARPG, Free to Play, Adventure
    Modding supportNo
    Performance on Mac (local workaround methods) (The game runs well on higher-end Macs. It can also run on older and weaker ones, but only if you use the lowest settings.)
    Soundtrack and Audio
    Community and Support
    Replay Value
    Price/Value ratio (Free-to-play with optional in-game purchases)

    The game’s narrative, albeit a tad generic, is still ambitious if generic, and with a rich lore of myths and legends. The setting also plays an important role in immersing you. Its environments are beautifully rendered and very detailed, but beyond that, many of them are functional battlefields with strategic elements that can turn the tide of combat. 

    Quests weaved through these settings are varied enough and provide plenty of engaging battles, especially when you get to fight one of the many bosses. Too bad that, on replays, things start to get a bit repetitive even when you are playing with a different class and build.

    Lost Ark is great if you care more about flashy and polished hack-and-slash combat than deep narratives and endless word-building variety. It’s definitely a more action-focused RPG but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, so we do recommend it.

    Notable Mentions

    These sit firmly below the best mac games out theere, but they shouldn’t be forgotten in the RPG landscape. 

    • Albion Online
    • Crusader Kings III (not really an RPG, but there’s LOTS of role playing here)
    • Kingdom Hearts
    • Neverwinter Nights
    • Ultima online