Enshrouded Best Mage Build
If you’re looking to harness the power of magic in Enshrouded, the Mage build offers several distinct paths to follow, each catering to a unique playstyle. In this guide, we’ll explore four Enshrouded Mage Builds and their classes – the Wizard, the Healer, the Battlemage, and the Trickster. Each of these builds has its own strengths, weaknesses, and playstyle, and we will give you some tips and recommendations on how to use them effectively, so you can create the best Enshrouded Mage build for yourself.
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Enshrouded Wizard Build
The Enshrouded Wizard build is focused on maximizing your magic damage and using powerful spells to destroy your enemies. This build is suitable for players who like to play aggressively and deal burst damage from a distance. The Wizard build relies on the Intelligence attribute, which increases your magic damage, wand damage, crit damage, and elemental damage. You will also need some Spirit, which increases your mana pool and mana regeneration. The build uses a staff as the main weapon, which allows you to cast spells faster and with more impact.
For the Enshrouded Wizard build, you will want to wear armor that boosts your Intelligence, Spirit, and Magic Damage. Some examples of armor sets that you can use are:
• Mage Set: This Level 13 crafted set boosts your magic damage and mana regeneration.
• Magician Set: This is a Level 18 set that increases your Intelligence, Spirit, and spell damage.
• Mystic Set: This is a random armor drop from Level 18 chests that enhances your magic damage and crit chance.
• Warlock or Archmage Set: These are Level 23 sets that improve your wand or spell damage and give you bonuses such as increased mana pool, reduced mana cost, or increased spell range.

Skill tree
To get the best Enshrouded Wizard build, you will want to invest your skill points in skills that give you access to various spells and perks that boost your magic performance. Here are some of the skills that you should get:
• Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1 point per skill point. This is the most important skill for the Wizard build, as it increases your magic damage significantly.
• Fireball: This is the first spell that you can unlock in the Wizard skill tree. It allows you to launch a fireball that explodes on impact and deals fire damage to enemies in an area. You can upgrade this spell to increase its damage, range, and explosion radius.
• Ice Bolt: This is another spell that you can unlock in the Wizard skill tree. It allows you to shoot an ice bolt that freezes enemies on hit and deals ice damage. You can upgrade this spell to increase its damage, range, and freeze duration.
• Chain Lightning: This is a powerful spell that you can unlock in the Wizard skill tree. It allows you to unleash a bolt of lightning that jumps from one enemy to another and deals electric damage. You can upgrade this spell to increase its damage, range, and number of jumps.

To have the best Wizard build in Enshrouded, you will want to use spells that deal high damage and have different elements to exploit the weaknesses of your enemies. You can equip a staff as your main weapon, which allows you to cast spells faster and with more impact, but you can also use a wand as a secondary weapon, which allows you to shoot magic projectiles that cost no mana and can trigger spell effects. Here are some of the spells that you can use:
• Fireball: This is a fire spell that allows you to launch a fireball that explodes on impact and deals fire damage to enemies in an area. This spell is good for dealing damage to groups of enemies and setting them on fire.
• Ice Bolt: This is an ice spell that allows you to shoot an ice bolt that freezes enemies on hit and deals ice damage. This spell is good for dealing damage to single targets and immobilizing them.
• Chain Lightning: This is an electric spell that you can cast with your staff. It allows you to unleash a bolt of lightning that jumps from one enemy to another and deals electric damage. This spell is good for dealing damage to multiple enemies and stunning them.
• Poison Carpet: This is a poison spell that you can use to create a carpet of poison on the ground that deals poison damage to enemies who step on it. You can upgrade this spell to increase its damage, duration, and area. This spell is good for dealing damage over time and weakening enemies.
• Heal Channel: This is a healing spell that can be used to channel a beam of light that heals you and your allies. You can upgrade this spell to increase its healing, range, and mana efficiency. This spell is good for restoring your health and supporting your team.
Enshrouded Healer Build
The Enshrouded Healer build is focused on supporting your allies and yourself with healing and buffing spells. This build is suitable for players who like to play defensively and help their team survive. The Healer build relies on the Spirit attribute, which increases your mana pool and mana regeneration. You will also need some Intelligence, which increases your magic damage and healing. The Healer uses a staff as the main weapon, which allows you to cast spells faster and with more impact.

For the Healer build, you need an armor that boosts your Spirit, Intelligence, and Healing. Here are some examples of armor sets that you can use:
• Healer Set: This Level 13 crafted set boosts your healing and mana regeneration.
• Herbalist Armor Set or Sage Armor Set: They provide additional benefits to amplify your healing prowess and support capabilities in combat.

Skill tree
The Healer skill tree gives you access to various healing and buffing spells and perks that boost your healing performance and here are some of the skills that we suggest you to get:
• Spirit: Increases your Spirit attribute by 1 point per skill point. This is the most important skill for the Healer build, as it increases your mana pool and mana regeneration.
• Blink: Replaces dodge and restores 5 HP per second passively.
• Water Aura: All players within 15 meters regenerate 1 health point per second for every point of your intelligence.
• Healer: This is a passive skill that increases your healing by 10% per skill point. This is a great skill to boost your overall healing performance.
• Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute, which powers your healing abilities.
To get the best Enshrouded Healer build, you will want to use spells that heal and buff yourself and your allies. You can equip a staff as your main weapon, and use a wand as a secondary weapon. Here are some of the spells that you can use:
• Heal Channel: This is a healing spell that allows you to channel a beam of light that heals you or your allies. You can upgrade this spell to increase its healing, range, and mana efficiency. This spell is good for restoring your health and supporting your team.
• Chain Heal: heals your nearby allies.
• Eternal Heal Channel: This spell is very useful as it has infinite charges of Heal Channel.
• Eternal Chain Heal: has infinite charges of Chain Heal.
Enshrouded Battlemage Build
The Enshrouded Battlemage build is focused on balancing your magic and melee combat and using spells and weapons to deal damage and survive. This build is suitable for players who like to play dynamically and adapt to different situations. The Battlemage build relies on the Strength and Intelligence attributes, which increase your melee damage and magic damage, respectively. You will also need some Spirit, which increases your mana pool and mana regeneration. The Battlemage uses a sword and a wand as the main weapons, which allow you to switch between melee and ranged attacks.

For the best Battlemage build in Enshrouded, your armor should boosts your Strength, Intelligence, and Damage. Some examples of armor sets that you can try for this are:
• Warlock Armor Set: This crafted set boosts your melee and magic damage and stamina regeneration.
• Rising Fighter Armor Set: This is a set that increases your Strength, melee damage, and defense.
• Wizard Armor Set: This is an armor that enhances your Intelligence, magic damage, and crit chance.
• Paladin Set: This set can improve your melee or magic damage and give you bonuses such as increased health, increased mana, or increased damage resistance.
Skill tree
Investing your skill points in the Battlemage skill tree gives you access to different melee and magic skills and perks that boost your combat performance. Here are some suggegstions of skills that you should get for the best Enshrouded Battlemage build:
• Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1 point per skill point. This is another important skill for the Battlemage build, as it increases your magic damage and healing.
• Blink: Replaces dodge and restores 5 HP per second passively.
• Quick Charge: A channeled ability that charges up your wand, increasing the damage of your next melee attack.
• Chain Hit: A powerful melee attack that deals damage to multiple enemies in a line.
• Quick Charge: A channeled ability that charges up your wand, increasing the damage of your next melee attack.
• Chain Lightning: A powerful AoE attack that deals lightning damage to multiple enemies.
For the best Enshrouded Battlemage build, we suggest you use spells that complement your melee combat and deal different types of damage. You can equip a sword as your main weapon, which allows you to perform melee attacks and skills and also equip a wand as your secondary weapon to cast spells and shoot magic projectiles. Here are some good spells that you can try:
• Slash: This is a melee skill that you can perform with your sword. It allows you to perform a powerful slash that deals melee damage and knocks back enemies. You can upgrade this skill to increase its damage, range, and knockback distance. This skill is good for dealing damage and creating space.
• Fire Blast: This is a fire spell that you can cast with your wand. It allows you to blast a wave of fire that deals magic damage and sets enemies on fire. This spell is good for dealing damage and applying a damage over time effect.
• Charge: This is a melee skill that you can perform with your sword. It allows you to charge forward and deal melee damage and stun enemies in your path. This skill is good for closing the gap and disabling enemies.
• Ice Bolt: This is an ice spell that you can cast with your wand. It allows you to shoot an ice bolt that freezes enemies on hit and deals ice damage. You can upgrade this spell to increase its damage, range, and freeze duration. This spell is good for dealing damage and immobilizing enemies.
• Heal: This is a healing spell that you can cast with your wand. It allows you to heal yourself or an ally for a moderate amount of health. This spell is good for restoring your health and supporting your team.
Enshrouded Trickster Build
The Enshrouded Trickster build is focused on using stealth and deception to confuse and ambush your enemies. This build is suitable for players who like to play creatively and unpredictably. The Trickster build relies on the Dexterity and Intelligence attributes, which increase your stealth and magic damage, respectively but you will also need some Spirit, which increases your mana pool and mana regeneration. The Trickster uses a dagger and a wand as the main weapons, which allow you to perform stealth attacks and cast spells.
For the Trickster build, the armor you should select should boosts your Dexterity, Intelligence, and Stealth. Some examples of armor sets that are good for this build are:
• Ranger Armor Set: This crafted set boosts your stealth damage and movement speed.
• Assassin Set: This is a random armor drop from Level 18 chests that enhances your stealth damage and crit damage.

Skill tree
The Trickster skill tree allows you to unlock various stealth and deception skills and perks that boost your stealth performance. Here are suggestions of skills that you should get for the Trickster build:
• Dexterity: Increases your Dexterity attribute by 1 point per skill point. This is an important skill for the Trickster build, as it increases your stealth damage and crit chance.
• Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1 point per skill point. This is another important skill for the Trickster build, as it increases your magic damage and healing.
• Counterstrike: Replaces dodge and grants you a 25% chance to deflect melee attacks and counter-attack with a damage-dealing strike.
• Quick Reflexes: When you dodge, you have a 50% chance to gain a temporary buff that increases your movement speed and dodge chance.
• Double Jump: Jump twice in mid-air, giving you extra mobility and evasion.
For the best Trickster build, your spells should confuse and ambush your enemies. You can equip a dagger as your main weapon, which allows you to perform stealth attacks, as well as a wand as your secondary weapon to cast spells. Here are some of the spells that we suggest you to use:
• Stealth: This is a stealth skill that you can perform with your dagger. It allows you to enter stealth mode, which makes you invisible and undetectable to enemies. This skill is good for sneaking and ambushing enemies.
• Backstab: This is a stealth skill that you can perform with your dagger. It allows you to perform a stealth attack that deals massive damage and stuns enemies. You can upgrade this skill to increase its damage, range, and stun duration.
• Smoke Bomb: This is a deception skill that you can perform with your dagger. It allows you to throw a smoke bomb that creates a cloud of smoke that blinds enemies and reduces their detection. This skill is good for escaping and confusing enemies.
• Illusion: This is a deception spell that you can cast with your wand. It allows you to create a clone of yourself that distracts enemies and deals magic damage. You can upgrade this spell to increase its damage, duration, and number of clones. This spell is good for diverting attention and dealing damage.
• Invisibility: This is a stealth spell that you can cast with your wand. It allows you to become invisible for a short time and gain increased stealth damage. This spell is good for sneaking and ambushing enemies.
As you can see, there are different ways to build the Enshrouded Best Mage Build, depending on your playstyle and preferences. You can choose from different classes, such as Wizard, Healer, Battlemage, and Trickster, and you can also mix and match skills from different trees to create your own unique build. The Mage can deal high damage, heal allies, and control the battlefield with various elements. Therefore, you need to plan your build carefully and use the right equipment, skills, and spells to make the most of your Mage potential.
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