Matlab benches for Mac



As I posted a few days ago, I would like to generate a small enquiry about MATLAB performance under Mac OS X. Here I post the data from the bench command on my iBook G4 12′ 1.2 Ghz, 1.25 GB RAM.

Some of the currently available benchmarks are below. So perhaps those of you with access to other systems can help fill in the table and we can put up a definitive thread on various performance differences.

Only Finder, Dashboard, Safari, X11 and MATLAB (R14) were running.

matlab -nodesktop

>> bench
ans = 0.9633 1.2456 0.6082 1.3169 2.0670 1.5188

matlab -nodisplay:

>> bench
ans = 0.9610 1.1893 0.6089 1.3108 0.7156 0.0206

Of course the results are much better for 2D and 3D (the two last ones) because of the nodisplay option !!!

matlab -nojvm:

>> bench
ans = 0.9802 1.1810 0.6041 1.3019 1.9561 1.4492

matlab (with the GUI):

>> bench
ans = 1.2214 1.4322 0.7663 1.4638 2.0558 1.5455

I would be great if you could run the same tests on your personal machines to get an idea of the performance of different systems concerning MATLAB.

or the Intel Macs

– Bench Matlab with Rosetta (with GUI) ? If possible
– Bench Matlab with Rosetta ( -nojvm) ? If possible
– Bench Matlab with Rosetta ( -nodisplay) ? If possible
– Bench Matlab with Rosetta ( -nodesktop) ? If possible

– Bench Matlab with Parrallel Linux (with GUI) ?
– Bench Matlab with Parrallel Linux ( -nojvm) ?
– Bench Matlab with Parrallel Linux ( -nodisplay) ?
– Bench Matlab with Parrallel Linux ( -nodesktop) ?
– Bench Matlab with Linux (BootCamp) (with GUI) ?
– Bench Matlab with Linux (BootCamp) ( -nojvm) ?
– Bench Matlab with Linux (BootCamp) ( -nodisplay) ?
– Bench Matlab with Linux (BootCamp) ( -nodesktop) ?

– Bench Matlab with Parrallel Windows (with GUI) ?
– Bench Matlab with Windows (BootCamp) (with GUI) ?

For the PPC Macs

– Bench Matlab with some G3’s
– Bench Matlab with some G4’s
– Bench Matlab with some G5’s

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