Apex Legends Config



If you’ve been playing Apex Legends for a while, you may have heard or read about something called “configs” that can be used to modify the game in ways that can improve your performance or even give you some potentially unfair in-game advantages. What an Apex Legends config refers to is a change made to the code in the game’s configuration file (accessible through the Steam or Origin clients) in order to achieve a desired result.

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The config changes range from improving the game’s sound or modifying some of its graphical settings so that it runs better on weaker machines to removing HUD blur and in-game fog to improve your ability to see enemies. One of the most popular such changes is the Apex Legends FullBright config, which basically removes all darkness and shadows from the game. This makes it much easier to spot and far less likely for anyone to sneak up on you, since sitting in a dark or shadowy corner will no longer keep them hidden.

Apex Legends Steam Config

Depending on the specific Apex Legends Steam config modification, some of the changes could be considered cheating and there are even players who’ve been banned for using them. Since we are strongly against any form of cheating in multiplayer games, we discourage anyone reading this from using Apex Legends configs as a means of gaining an unfair advantage in the game.

Apex Legends Config File Tutorial
The Apex Legends Config file.

That said, the information is already out there and some of the possible changes can actually improve various aspects of the game such as performance and image quality, provided you are using a configuration made by someone who knows what they are doing. For this reason, we’ll quickly show you how to find and modify the game’s configuration file in case you are willing to tinker around with it.

Obviously, if you decide to make any changes, you’ll be doing this at your own risk, so use your common sense and know that it’s perfectly possible (if not likely) to actually make the game worse for you.

How to Edit the Apex Legends Config File

To make changes to the Apex Legends config file, open Steam, find the game in your Library, right-click it, and choose Properties. Then go to Local Files, click Browser, and navigate to the cfg folder. There, open the config_default_pc.cfg file with Notepad. Once the file opens, you can edit it by adding custom scripts to it or changing the ones that are already there.

We won’t provide you with specific scripts here as we do not think that any of the available ones are worth potentially breaking the game or getting banned for cheating, but if you are willing to take the risk, you can go ahead and try some of the many Apex Legends config scripts available online. There are even custom config files available on the Internet that can you can directly download into the cfg folder, but, obviously, there’s always the risk of downloading something entirely different, such as malware.

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