Fixing Broken LaTeX Fonts in Leopard



Some of you may notice that applications using Apple’s PDF rendering engine under Leopard will not properly render certain documents created with LaTeX. It seems that in some cases, a corrupted font cache is to blame. To fix this problem execute the following commands in Terminal and then reboot:

sudo rm -rf `lsof | grep | grep Finder | cut -c 66-139`

sudo rm -rf /private/var/folders/*/*/-Caches-/

This procedure works well on my macbook 13”, 2.16Ghz, and Leopard 10.5.1

I’ve installed the latest version of TexMac and Texshop
Latex equation editor (Lee), Latexit, dvips, dvipdf and all other programs involving tex and ps files worked very well with tiger 10.4.9

I’ve upgraded my Tiger 10.4.9 to Leopard 10.5.1 and pdf documents, as well as all tex and .ps softwares showed wrong/corrupted fonts, as many other users had talked about.

Solution for pdf dpcuments:
type these command from console than reboot…
sudo rm -rf `lsof | grep | grep Finder | cut -c 66-139`

sudo rm -rf /private/var/folders/*/*/-Caches-/

Solution for Lee, dvips, dvipdf, Latexit:
remove Lee from your application. If you used it after rebooting, retype the commands above, remove Lee and reboot again.
Latexit works well every time (and not randomly, as with other users). If you run Lee and than Latexit, your fonts will be corrupted again. Don’t use Lee anymore

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