EndNote X1 Patch Restores CWYW Functionality to Word 2008



Users of EndNote X1 for Mac OS X can now download a patch directly from Thomson Reuters to restore CWYW functionality to Word 2008. The lack of EndNote integration has been a deal-breaker for many Scientists wishing to switch to the Intel-native version of Word. As an added bonus, CWYW functionality is now noticeably “snappier”.

The patch can be downloaded from here:


Please note that Service Pack 1 (SP1 or the 12.1 update) for Office Mac: 2008 must be installed prior to applying the EndNote X1 patch. Also, this patch will work only with EndNote X1. Unfortunately, users of EndNote X and lower will either have to upgrade to X1 or continue using their older version of EndNote with Word 2004 or v.X.

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