Cocoa for Scientists



Articles in this series include:

Hello Brave New World
Classy Cocoa
Living Objects
Good References
It’s All in the Genes
Jekyll and Hyde
Into Xcode
IB, Therefore I am
MVC is not the ‘Motor Vehicle Commission’
Popping Up All Over the Place
The Value in Keys
Observe and Learn
In a Bind
Beginning 3D Visualization
Continuing 3D Visualization
Finalizing 3D Visualization
Representing Data in Tables
Graphing Data with SM2DGraphView
Telling Your Story with Narrative
Python Scripters…Meet Cocoa
Multi-threading Your App with NSOperation and NSOperationQueue
Core Data Models
iTunes-ifying Core Data Apps
Core Animation First Steps
Core Animation Layer Trees
Parsing CSV Data
Getting Closure with Objective-C
Bonjour and How Do You Do?
This is the Message
Developing for iPhone
All Aboard Grand Central
The Physics of Sumos (A Flirtation with iPhone Game Development)
10 Uses for Blocks in C/Objective-C
Scrapbook of an Advanced Core Animation View

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